As an advanced and integrous builder, Thompson Properties is dedicated to the highest standards in every aspect of building, including green building and a commitment to energy efficient homes.
Thompson Properties constructed the first green, Healthy-Built Certified home in the Cliffs at Walnut Cove, a prestigious development housed among a section of lush, green mountainous landscapes. As a leader in using the latest building technologies and environmentally friendly products in our community, our homes are a complement to the environment, paying homage to our mountains rather than depleting their resources.
Thompson Properties is an Energy Star Builder (hyperlink to ES website), which earns our homes a government-backed accreditation for energy efficiency. Energy Star is the leader in making building energy efficient homes as simple and affordable as possible. Their seal of approval, which Thompson Properties places on our homes, means that careful measures were taken to build environmentally friendly structures and that sustainability is a key factor during the build.
In addition, we will ensure that your home complies with all federal, state, and local government requirements including the NC Building Code, NC Energy Code, and all local developmental regulations for low-density development.
Your home may also be tested and certified as a “WNC Healthy Built Home”, an esteemed designation by a local non-profit organization which is the equivalent to LEED certification. The certification qualifies homeowners to receive a 5% monthly discount on their electric bill for the life of the property through Duke-Progress Energy, as well as qualify for the High Efficiency Discount Rate from PSNC Energy for all natural gas usage.
Combined, these savings equate to thousands of dollars over a period of years, saving you and your family money while also ensuring you live in a safe and healthy environment.
Thompson Properties is also proud to be a member of the WNC Green Building Council, also known as the Green Built Alliance, and the Asheville Homebuilders Association. Through these organizations, which are well-known for recognition of environmentally integrous builders, we’ve won numerous awards for outstanding quality in building.
As you explore and dream about your own home plan, consider the many thoughtful environmentally integrous features that can be integrated in your home, which can include:
Sealed ductwork joints and penetrations permanently sealed with low toxic mastic or aerosolized sealant. All air distribution systems tested for leakage and do not exceed 5% of the home’s heated square footage when measured in CFM/25Pa of leakage.
All building space heating and cooling equipment is sized according to heating and cooling load calculations using ANSI/ACCA Manual J 8th Edition or equivalent; cooling equipment is within 6,000 BTU's of cooling calculations.
The attached garage and the air barrier between conditioned living space and the garage includes weather-stripping at all penetrations, sealed drywall joints, and other measures to ensure protection.
For any kitchen range hoods that exhaust 350 cfm or greater, intentional make up air is provided.
We provide temporary planting of cover crops on disturbed land areas, which is performed within two weeks of completing rough grading activities, in order to protect the land.
All trees and natural features on the site are protected during construction (min. 25% of development or lot).
We provide tree planting (min. 12 trees per acre of developed land) on site when building.
We provide a site-specific, drought-resistant planting plan.
Rainwater is harvested and directed toward landscaping needs; a cistern is used for the collection of rainwater to irrigate plants.
The installed irrigation system is zoned separately for turf and bedding areas.
Kitchen faucets are fitted with aerator restricting flow to 2.2 gpm.
All bathroom faucets are fitted with aerator restricting flow to 2.0 gpm.
Toilets are high efficiency toilets (max 1.45 gpf) or dual flush (1.6/0.8 gpf).
Clothes washer is an Energy Star labeled product.
Dishwasher is an Energy Star labeled product or meets/exceeds Energy Star criteria.
Prevents air infiltration and excess energy usage.
Blower door test meets min. standard of 0.25 cfm50/sf of surface area or 2.5 ACH/50Pa.
Rigid insulation is installed as a thermal break at the slab edge (R5, 6" minimum, vertically installed).
Insulated hot water pipes to R-4 in unconditioned spaces for low energy performance.
Low-e windows NFRC rated U value of .32 or less.
Exterior doors (includes door to garage) insulated to R5 or greater.
Provide overhang between 1’ and 2’ above windows.
Programmable, climate-friendly thermostat.
SEER 14 or higher cooling equipment (min 75% of conditioned space) which exceeds NC State building code.
Refrigerator is an Energy Star labeled product and meets or exceeds Energy Star criteria.
High efficiency or tankless water heater which exceeds Energy Factor.
Provide a built-in kitchen recycling center with two or more bins.
House meets American Lung Association Health House standards or complies with Energy Star Indoor Air Package Specification.
Implement a drainage board for below-grade walls.
Implement a continuous foundation drain at outside perimeter edge of footing.
Filters that are rated MERV 9 or greater are installed on forced air systems.
All bath exhaust fans are measured to exceed exhausting 50 cfm.
Ducts are protected from dirt and debris until construction is completed.
Provide installation of Passive Radon System.
Provide radon test of home prior to occupancy.
The kitchen range hood or downdraft is vented to exterior.
Paints and finishes with low to zero VOC content are chosen.
We allow VOC's to dissipate prior to dwelling occupancy – air is exhausted to outside for one week minimum.
Low VOC stains and finishes are used on all wood floors and wood work.
We prohibit burying construction waste on site.
We designate a central, organized cutting area for project site work.
We utilize concrete with fly ash (min. 25% fly ash) for slab/floor.
All beams used are steel, engineered wood, or trusses.
Roof gutters/downspouts discharge water a minimum of 5 feet from foundation.
We utilize natural fiber carpet made with natural latex rather than SB latex backing for superior indoor air quality.
Low toxicity paints provide healthy indoor air quality.
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